Creating and extending user type of series

Program contains many object databases with specified parameters. User has the possibility to extend the database with his own type of series, which can be freely edited and saved in the UserData folder.


User types of series are created on the basis of copies of existing library elements. All copied positions are visible in the *User* category. Renaming the type of series in its new position will move it to the appropriate folder.



Parameters dialog window



Creating and extending the user type of series

1.    In the dialog window that contains the parametrical objects click and select the element, on which basis the user type of series will be created.

2.    Select the Copy   command that is located at the top of the dialog window. Selected element will be copied and placed in the *User* category.

3.    (Optional) Select the Edit  command to change the dimensions and attributes for the new type of series position.

4.    Insert object or close the dialog window.